NZ Pighunting Association


The New Zealand Pig Hunting Association aims to bring together pig hunting clubs around New Zealand, to share our common interest, events and to establish an accessible face for the public.

Please, take some time to peruse the site. It is constantly being updated with fresh content and functionality.


The NZPHA was formed to provide co-ordination and a collective voice for All pig hunters and pig hunting clubs in NZ a platform for their views to be represented when dealing with Government departments and beaucracy at national or local level.

With the formation of the NZ Game Animal Council (2013) and the recognition that wild pigs as a valued game animal, the NZPHA is the conduit for pig hunters to have a formal role in their management

The NZPHA cover the full range of issues to do with hunting wild pigs in NZ. See here for a list of accomplishments so far.


The NZPHA exists to represents pig hunters by way of affiliated clubs or groups. We can direct individuals interested in pig hunting to existing local clubs or you may wish to set up one of your own.

To set up a Club/Group you need 10 or more people. A club is typically a more formal entity requiring appropriate structures with respect to office bearers (e.g. President, Secretary, etc), and meetings. Groups are designed more so as a means for like minded individuals to communicate by way of email and usually don't involve meetings or the likes. Groups, require a co-ordinator who maintains the group membership database and forwards levy payments to the NZPHA. If you do have 10 people or more and would like to form a Club/Group, you can fill in the attached form and return to the NZPHA secretary.

Individuals not wanting join an existing club or form one of their own can join the New Zealand Pig Hunting Group. This group has been set up for individuals wanting to support the NZPHA. The cost of joining the New Zealand Pig Hunting Group is $10.00 per annum, being the NZPHA levy which gets forwarded directly to the NZPHA.

The NZPHA are representing all NZ Pig Hunters who belong to the Association to work through the many issues pig hunters are facing at present. We have a stronger and a more united front when representing NZ Hunting through the New Zealand Pig Hunting Association Inc. Please do not hesitate to e-mail